Hello all!
I imagine that I'm not the only one to feel a bit overwhelmed with all the various ways we can engage with each other! So much so, that I find myself pondering what I've read in nearly all my idle moments: in the shower, while driving, and so on. On many of those occasions I have also pondered the scope of our efforts in this class and keep coming back to Shirky's illustrations of clusters (p. 27) to describe the Birthday Paradox. I feel we are challenged in much the same way to maintain all our connections. I shudder to think of Vanessa's (and Christie's and Woon Jee's) task to grasp the full cluster for this class! I did a little math on this and with 32 students, 2 TAs, and one instructor, that makes for 595 connections!
I found the dialog between Bryan and Vanessa very interesting and helpful for me to create purpose out of chaos! My aim is to use this weekly wrap to encapsulate my weekly experiences and activities.
You mentioned Shirkey, I was at a Fourth of July picnic yesterday afternoon and I overheard one person remark to someone he was getting to know, "it's a small world..." I had to chuckle. I'm telling all my IT friends about "Here Comes Everybody" and they haven't heard of it, which I found surprising. The only acquaintence of mine who has read it is the dean of the history departement at the online university where I work.