An arm-chair techie confronts Social Media, associated technology (aka Web 2.0), and the implications to community, identity, and privacy.

Monday, July 6, 2009

From this week's "To Do" list...

Vanessa encouraged us to check out Twitter, Diigo, Flickr, and YouTube. Woohoo, I'm already halfway there!!!

IRT YouTube, I think it is a particularly useful tool for providing video clips in a training environment. The open nature and nearly universal access are definite plusses. However, my chief complaint is that there is no easy way to download or archive the YouTube content. I know there are third party plugins, but those are really only useful for individual users. In my work environment there are a number of security issues (government network). Copyright issues aside - and I am not taking them lightly - it would be ideal if video could temporarily be archived locally or distributed within an internal network.

Overall, I currently view Flickr and YouTube as useful only if the corporate IT policy permits direct access to this media so that links could be embedded in the internal learning material. Based on the UT-Dallas video we viewed last week, I see Twitter as potentially useful for out of class dialog on the course. I will have to get back to you on Diigo as I have no idea what it is!

1 comment:

  1. Many organizations such as a part of government department or big companies have their own protection that blocks sharable websites. Most of websites has been limited for security issues. But, some are to avoid the negligence of the duties. Sometimes, people like to play around with facebook all day long~:)

    I am also trying to experience as many tools as I can. Good luck with your try~~

