An arm-chair techie confronts Social Media, associated technology (aka Web 2.0), and the implications to community, identity, and privacy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Produsage #1

Sometime in the next twelve hours I will post a link (via a comment to this blog entry) to my Produsage #1 submission.

I've been looking at some of the other projects and am very impressed! I'm also relieved this is not a competition where we will be rank-ordered!!!

Congratulations to everyone; such clever ideas. I would especially like to praise the project at WOW!!! Very professional looking, with great application of our learning in the course. I now have a much better appreciation for NING and may consider it for my Produsage #2 assignment.


1 comment:

  1. I am still making some final adjustments, but am ready to share my Produsage #1 assignment.

    Before doing so, please let me share a couple of comments.

    First, I know that the site topic better fits the description for Produsage #2. This was not my intent, but my original idea for a Tallahassee Relocation wiki generated some interest and comments. As a result, I switched the two topics so that we have a better opportunity to collaborate (and perhaps combine project efforts) for assignment #2.

    Second, I am disappointed in the capabilities of Google Sites. As a web creation tool, it is adequate. As a Web 2.0 tool, it is sub-par. The interactive aspects require users to register with a Google account; I was unable to figure out how to allow anonymous comments. But, it has been a productive learning process.

    Contributing to the site requires a google account (sorry, I didn't know). I have created a temporary account for our course. Information on using this account is available on Blackboard. After you have logged into a google account, use your web browser to navigate to (if you are not logged into a google account, it will be read only).

