An arm-chair techie confronts Social Media, associated technology (aka Web 2.0), and the implications to community, identity, and privacy.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weekly Wrap: 1

This week I have been busy as has everyone else. My most significant accomplishment was simply surviving the week. Here are some highlights of other accomplishments:
  • Attempted to keep up with Bb and am up-to-date in all forums except the Week 1 discussions where I am about 40% current. Lurked in the Free Rider discussion.
  • Finally bit the bullet and spent a couple of hours learning about twitter and will add that to my bag of tricks for this course.
  • Added an entry for StumbleUpon to the Wiki (learning - on the fly - how to do so while also creating Yet Another User Account) and resisted the evil impulse to add an entry for Flutter. ;-)
  • Subscribed to the Friend Feed with the hopes of surviving the flood of information in this first week. (I cannot possibly survive five more weeks of this without serious adaptation - and we haven't begun projects yet!!!)
  • Failed to conquer confusion over produsage, but did develop aversion to the term.
  • Shamelessly plagiarized Gina's format for this post. Thanks, Gina!
Note to Vanessa: If this week is any indicator, this class may need to be re-classified as a 6 (or more) credit class. I have gone WAY beyond 7.5 hrs of "classroom" time. My head hurts... ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Kent,

    you busy, busy bee. I've had my hands full with discussion board and learning how to blog. That wiki is unbelievable -- looks like at least a month's work to play with all the toys! (Never heard of Stumble Upon -- I'll check it out -- certainly doing a lot of stumbling...)

    I guess I should stop being Sylvester and try to tweet, "I taut I taw a puddy tat!"


