An arm-chair techie confronts Social Media, associated technology (aka Web 2.0), and the implications to community, identity, and privacy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Last person out, turn off the lights!

I want to use this, likely my last blog entry for the EME6635 course, to reflect on a non-technological aspect of my experience.

The pace of the course and the focus on learning has not prevented people from building the foundations of real friendships. It may have retarded the growth of these relationships, but it has not been an outright barrier. I, myself, have had this experience with a number of classmates and even our leaders (they just might not know it yet!). Sadly, the need to filter has naturally limited some associations, and I am pleased that I will have other opportunities to get to know some of you better in the near future.

I find it interesting (amusing, too) that my Web 2.0 experience has fostered the beginnings of friendships and friendly associations, while not having met anyone (with one exception) face to face. These threads that connect us know not the boundaries of nation or age. I wonder: if we had met in person prior to meeting virtually, would the resultant associations at all resemble where we are today?

I am very grateful for the feedback I have received from each of you and your gracious acceptance of my contributions in turn. I look forward to building on the relationships and contacts we have established in this course.

Very humbly yours,


  1. I'll be keeping up with you on Facebook, thanks for being my friend!

  2. Kent - Your post brings up an interesting question. I think that we would definitely have fostered those beginnings if we were working on these projects in a classroom instead of on a computer. The route may have been different, and it may have taken more or less time. Who knows. But we are in a community of practice as we study for this degree. How would we interact though if we were just bloggers in the blogosphere? That would be weird.

